5 DIY Cleaning Hacks That Will Make Your Bathroom Look Spotless 

No matter how much you clean it, bathroom always remains the most difficult portion of our house to get rid of spots.


With the curves, tight corners, and everyday moisture, it tends to be the perfect place for bacteria to build up an army of diseases.

But don’t worry, we have got you covered. We can help clean the most dreaded room in your home with some craziest but effective hacks. These bathroom hacks are insanely cheap, and you will find everything required right in your home.


#1 Bathtub/Shower Cleaner


If you are dying to see your bathtub shine, simply make a mixture of dish soap and vinegar and use it to scrub your bathtub’s surface. Once you have totally covered all the spots, let it sit for a while before you wash it off.


#2 Shower Head

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This is probably the easiest of all what we are going to present.point 175 | Your showerhead is probably covered with the nasty buildup of the minerals present in the water like fluoride and calcium.point 278 |


You can simply get rid of it.point 23 | All you need is vinegar and a plastic bag.point 57 | Fill the bag with vinegar and immerse the showerhead into the plastic bag.point 119 | Seal tight the bag using a rubber band and let it set aside for an hour or two.point 181 | 1

Now remove the bag, and run the shower. Finally, wipe down the showerhead using a clean cloth.


#3 Get Rid of Mold in Caulking and Grout


The formation of mold in the caulking where the tub meets the wall and the grout between the tiles can be simply removed using the mixture of baking soda and bleach. Form a thick paste of baking soda and bleaching power and gently scrub over the tiles and walls.


#4 Cleaning Hardwater Stains using Lemon


Cut a lemon in half and use each half as a scrub to clean the hard water stains on the taps and showers with chrome finishing.


#5 Cleaning the Glass Doors


You can simply use a clean cloth and some dish soap for cleaning the glass doors. In case, if your glass doors haven’t seen any cleaning for years, then Magic Eraser can do wonders for you.


You probably didn’t know of these bathroom cleaning hacks right?

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