Categories: Foodnews

‘Aunt Jemima’ Slammed By Online Critics For Rebranding As ‘Pearl Milling Company’

Online critics slammed the famous brand ‘Aunt Jemima’ over its new rebranding as ‘Pearl Milling Company’


According to media reports, the famous brand from the US changed its logo, packaging, and name too. Therefore, it is now known as the ‘Pearl Milling Company’. The decision came when the makers thought it would be wise to go for a more neutral appearance that was free from any racial stereotypes.


While the initiative sounded ok to some and great to others, critics weren’t expecting a change of name that was as drastic as the ‘Pearl Milling Company.’ Now, critics and trolls are keeping social media abuzz with their rants and thoughts on the matter.

Source: BBC

The company received its fair share of battering on Twitter, with many expressing their personal thoughts on the matter. Some even went to the extent of calling it an unappetizing ‘gravel mining company.’ Yikes, how’s that for some blunt wording. But wait, it doesn’t get any better.


Others were quick to point out how the new rebranding reminded them of evil, something along the lines of a villain from James Bond. Now, Twitter is abuzz with a lot of unsavory reviews as well. But it was quite shocking when a few breakfast buffs mentioned or threatened the brand that they would no longer many any purchases under that name. Instead, they spoke about switching to the brand’s famous competitors like Log Cabin or even Mrs. Butterworth’s.

Source: Adweek

Clearly, the new name is proving to be a major problem for the brand. Some even go as far as terming a complete boycott of all of the brand’s products too. “Sadly, I won’t even recognize it and hence will probably need to refer to Log Cabin now,” exclaimed another dishearted fan.

Source: Twitter

Things aren’t doing too well with the brand. Just recently, it faced severe backlash for basing its famous syrup mascot upon a particular ‘racial’ stereotype, and now this. We surely hope the brand makes a quick fix before it’s too late.


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