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Barack Obama, In His Latest Interview, Asks Trump To ‘Think Beyond Your Own Ego’

Former President Obama said Trump’s refusal to accept elections is distorting the US image.


Scott Pelley became the first journalist to interview Obama after the 2020 elections. Barack Obama appeared on CBS 60 minutes episode on Sunday. Obama, during his interview, said Trump should accept the results, and he needs to think beyond his fragile ego.


The host asked Obama to give one advice to Trump. Upon this question, Obama said, “President is a public servant. It is his job to keep the country as the top priority. Trump should give up the fight as this is the need of time. If he does so, he’ll be remembered as someone who kept the country first and thought beyond his personal interests.”

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Source: CBS

Obama also showed his concern regarding the impact of the chaotic White house transition on foreign relations.point 204 |


He said the adversaries might benefit from the cleavage in politics, pushing the US into crisis.point 81 | Upon questioning his opinion on Trump’s allegation of fraud votes, he said Trump needs to act sensibly.point 174 | He also added Trump doesn’t know how to handle failures.point 227 |


He needs to accept and face the loss.point 30 | 1

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Source: Getty Images

The former president hit back at all the members of the Republican Party who supported Trump’s conspiracy theory.point 246 |


Obama declared this behavior a threat to the upcoming Biden administration and US democracy.point 79 | He further added that if his daughter loses a contest and start playing a blame game by accusing the opposition of cheating, he’d scold her.point 197 | 1

Obama compared Trump’s behavior to a dictator who thinks he has the right to do anything to stay in power. “Men in power think they are permissible to kill people, suppress journalists, and run phony elections. But this is not how things should be. Trump should accept the reality and get prepared to welcome Biden on inauguration day as I welcomed him in 2017,” said Obama.

Source: Getty Images

“I hope Biden relays the message to the world that we still believe the values that our ancestors preached and believed. I am not sure what Trump is going to do in January on the arrival of inauguration day,” said Obama.