Categories: Familynews

Two Brothers Jailed For Exploiting Women As ‘Slaves’ To Run Drug-Dealing Business

Two evil brothers are now in jail for carrying out gruesome activities.


According to reports, the brother duo made around 1000 Pounds a day by making use of women as ‘slaves.’ Meanwhile, the entire stunt aimed to bring productivity to their drug dealing business.

And just in case that wasn’t enough, they decided to carry out their set up from the victim’s home. Today, they’re finally getting the fruit of their evil intentions and actions. Police charged both the brothers for more than seven years.

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Source: Daily Mail

26-year-old Sulman Khan and 24-year-old Zafran Khan began their drug trafficking ordeal at one woman’s home.point 215 |


But it all began by exploiting her mentally challenged limitations.point 58 | This included plying her with the art of free cocaine too.point 106 | Moreover, the 47-year-old victim, called Shelley, attempted to free herself from the nightmarish experience.point 201 | 1


And that’s when the evil sibling pair warned her of severe consequences for her family and pets. In other words, they would cause her unbelievable harm in case she chose to back out. They even went as far as claiming how they ‘controlled her.’

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Source: Cavendish Press

Amongst the other women exploited included Salman’s girlfriend too.point 186 | She forcefully cooked meals for the siblings, day in and day out.point 240 |


It was more like slavery than anything else.point 37 | At the same time, she assisted with packing their drugs, while assisting as a chauffeur too.point 114 | But in the end, the brutal men received strict punishments for their crimes.point 178 | 1

Source: The Independent

Police raided their home as a part of a major police-related operation. After a thorough investigation, the police found more gruesome details. They related to how the duo also ran a drug hotline too in Rochdale, Greater Manchester.

Source: Manchester Evening News

On an average basis, the business received plenty of attention from clients. For instance, you could find 223 calls as well as text messages across one eight-day interval. Similarly, Salman also caught plenty of attention for boasting out his access to weapons. This includes machine guns too.