Categories: Lifenews

Celebrity Chef Vows To Keep Restaurant Open Despite Ban On Outdoor Dining

Andrew Gruel decided to keep his restaurants open despite strict COVID-19 restrictions by the government.


Gruel slammed the California Governor Gavin Newsom, calling him an a-hole. Newsom is on the verge of receiving intense criticism since he banned maskless & indoor parties and Thanksgiving gatherings. Gruel took the matter to Twitter and posted a video where he addressed all his haters.


He is continuously being bashed and named “Grandmother Killer” for keeping his restaurants open, notwithstanding government instructions. He said he is all done with the hate he is receiving and wants to hear the logic behind the objections.

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Source: Youtube

The frustrated chef said he never says that we should not take pandemic seriously, but he showed his disagreement with banning outdoor dining.point 234 |


He said he has been cooperative with the government since the beginning and closed his restaurants whenever the government ordered it.point 114 | He further said when the government said to shut the indoor dinings, he listened to them and spent thousands of dollars on outdoor heaters.point 230 | 1


The infuriated small business owner was pissed by the fact that after he had spent so much money on outdoor services now, the government is trying to halt that too.point 291 |


Researchers had declared the outdoor dinings safe, and there is no scientific evidence that supports the spread of the virus by outdoor dining.point 121 | He raised this point in the video and said that when people are allowed to do the shopping and traveling, how on earth can outdoor dining be risky.point 241 |


He was upset that no one question the Walmart owners allowing visitors to enter without wearing masks.point 86 | 1

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Source: Daily Mail

Gruel hit the large businesses like Amazon and said they are making money and are getting rich, and all the restrictions are left to be followed by small businesses.point 339 |


Thus, he openly refuses to shut his Slapfish and Big Parm.point 48 | He attacked the San Jose mayor and LA Country supervisor who went for outdoor dining after imposing the ban.point 138 | He bashed all such hypocritical leaders and said they all are hypocrites and don’t follow the rules they’ve set themselves.point 254 | 1