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Australian MP Says China Created Coronavirus & Must Pay Compensation For The Global Spread

Coronavirus has already destroyed economic growth and as per a recent report, the government actions may not be enough to stop the decline.


Apart from infecting 799,723 and killing 38,721 people, researchers estimate that it could destroy 10 million US jobs.

While the cause of the COVID-19 is still known, many officials are blaming China for hiding the facts and figures until the situation became out of control.point 231 |

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Source: Getty Images
Australian MP George Christensen called on China to pay compensations for the global spread of coronavirus and also demanded inquiries by stating that the virus may have originated from a Wuhan Lab.point 323 |


The member of the National Party for Dawson’s North Queensland seat said on Tuesday that China should be held responsible for the coronavirus that killed nearly 38,000 people worldwide.point 165 | While speaking to a national TV channel, he said, “Whether it was negligence or whether it was something deliberate, they’ve done the wrong thing.point 296 |

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Mr.point 128 | Chistensen gave reference to research that was published by the South China University of Technology in February.point 225 |

That report stated, “the virus may have originated in a research facility less than 300 meters from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan”.point 135 |

He further added that “I know this is contentious but the South China University of Technology printed a report that was quickly removed from the internet which actually said the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.point 348 |

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Source: AFP Getty Images
The MP’s claims came after the United States Republican senator from Arkansas, Tom Cotton’s allegations who also said that China is to be held responsible for the spread of the pandemic.point 296 |

The senator said, “I would note that Wuhan has China’s only biosafety level-four super laboratory that works with the world’s most deadly pathogens to include, yes, coronavirus.point 169 |

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Source: Reuters
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Christensen also agreed when Jones asked him whether China would pay compensation for the COVID-19’s worldwide spread that has ravaged the world economy.point 137 | He again gave reference to a report that claimed that global cases could have been reduced to just 5% if China would have globally announced about the virus 3 weeks earlier.point 280 |


He also stated that the South China University of Technology report, by Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao, had also been removed from the internet by the Chinese authorities.point 137 |
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Source: Twitter Tom Cotton
Well, we still don’t know what is the origin of the virus – could have been a market, a farm, a food processing company or even a lab.point 379 |

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