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Wisconsin Cops Put On Leave After Shooting Black Man 7 Times In The Back

Wisconsin police officers are put on leave, after a shocking shooting incident that rocked the state.


According to reports, police shot the man, 7 times, as his kids helplessly looked on from the car.

The harrowing incident involving a 29-year-old, unarmed Black man, led to a wide range of violent protests in Kenosha. Media reports suggested how the cops were responding towards a domestic violence incident at a residence, in the nearby vicinity. However, the exact nature of the ordeal is still unclear.

Source: NBC News

Moreover, video footage released after the incident showed how the 28-year-old Black man, Blake, walked towards one SUV, with three policemen following him. They all had their gun drawn at that very moment.


In the video, Blake ignored the policemen’s orders and sits into the driver’s seat of an SUV. And that’s when you can clearly hear 7 loud gunshots. Also, his kids were also present in the vehicle, right when the events unfolded from the start.

Source: Business Insider

Other than that, another video footage released shows the incident from a totally different angle. Here, Blake argues or brawls with the policemen. There also appears to be some sort of argument and wrestling taking place simultaneously, near a sidewalk, next to the vehicle.

Source: CNN.com

Soon, Blake excuses himself from the argument and walks towards the SUV. He opens the driver’s gate and tries to sit inside. But that’s when the Kenosha police officers blast with a series of gunshots. Immediately following the incident, outrage broke out in the city, with protesters making their way towards the streets.

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Source: Washington Post

The City’s police department declared an emergency curfew as enraged residents demanded denouncing the police.point 223 |


Moreover, some individuals also went to the extend of smashing police vehicles and other squad cars.point 85 | There were even reports pertaining to how one officer collapsed on the pavement, after suffering from a brick injury, aimed at his head.point 199 | 1

Source: Reason Magazine

The amateur video revealed important details, which will assist in the investigation findings. However, the video ends just at the sound of the gunshots. Today, the officers involved in the shooting were put on administrative leave. And reports claim that they’re all cooperating with all of the investigations going on.


Blake is currently under hospital care, with doctors terming his condition as critical, in Milwaukee hospital.