Categories: AnimalsLifenews

423 Stolen Pets Have Been Freed From An Illegal Dog Slaughtershouse In China Amid Coronavirus

China has been cursed and maligned to a certain level after the worldwide corona outbreak.


Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, it is a reality no one can defy.

It would certainly be racism to lay the blame on Chinese citizens across Europe and elsewhere. Still and all, the sources that gave birth to this virus can be found in China. People who have dug deep into the cause ended up criticizing some customs and traditions of China that are unlawful by all means.

Source: Humane Society International

Chinese have long been eating cats and dogs and other animals that are generally prohibited to eat in countries around the world. As everyone is aware, the deadliest virus we are all trying to combat was generated in a livestock market of China. People, therefore, have been raising objections on their eating habits.

Source: Humane Society International

Recently, hundreds of dogs have been taken into custody after a raid at an illegal dog slaughterhouse in China. It’s all due to coronavirus. The level of awareness with respect to eating culture is increasing within China after the coronavirus outbreak. 


If reports are to be believed, that illegal slaughterhouse had occupied all stolen animals. Out of all stolen pets, 423 dogs were rescued from their illegitimate occupation and taken to a safe place.

Source: Humane Society International

Such unlicensed places should be clamped down on in the first place. This raid took place with the help of a few Chinese activists who are now urging people to stop eating pets. They have also requested the government to impose a nationwide ban on eating alien meat.

Source: Humane Society International

Beijing is due to take action regarding this matter, and let’s see what they do about it in the near future. Amid the coronavirus outbreak, they are obliged to come up with a set of rules against consumption of exotic meat.