It is better if we choose not to overlook the fact that the Coronavirus outbreak has changed a lot of things in our society.
We bump into a lot of peculiar things that we never used to. It implies, there has been a paradigm shift in our societal norms.
There was a time when people used to give a proper protocol to their loved ones after their departure from this world. We used to cry and mourn over the death of our beloved people – and it was totally customary. Last rites of the one who’s been reduced to ashes were done with all regard and reverence.

Recently an aged man was photographed collecting his dead wife’s ashes through his car window. And, the moment he was taking it in, his hands were perfectly gloved and his face was veiled.
As soon as the photo started circulating on social media, people found it heartbreaking and distressingly awful. The photo grabbed attention of a plethora of viewers and all of them ended up deducing it heart-rending and tragic.

Many people started pondering on this gigantic change quickly developing within our society.
It’s time to deliberate upon the drastically changing custom of burial and farewell.
COVID-19 patients on their deathbeds long for their families and it would kill them that their loved ones won’t be aggrieved to acknowledge their death if they’re gone.
We need to do something about this virus as it’s literally eating into us. It’s upending our traditional way of bidding farewell to the departed souls. People are afraid of touching their loved one’s remains as they feel threatened by the Coronavirus.
It goes without saying, nobody would ever want to treat the ruins of any of their loved ones the way Jim Harris did. His wife Judy must have not expected this sort of a last goodbye.