Categories: Lifenews

Filipino Nurse Faces Racist Remarks Telling Her To Go Back To Her Country With Coronavirus

We are clearly in a time where we need to understand and assist each other regardless of our national and regional identities.


We are in a dreadfully awful situation the world has rarely been in.

We surely have a number of reasons to be lamenting about, it’s surely the hardest time we have faced till date and it’s the toughest we may face in decades to come, but the crises-like situation has undoubtedly been a reason to shed all our differences and reminisce our common ancestors — Adam and Eve.


You’ll be dumbfounded to know that even in this crucial time, there are some people who prefer to shed light upon the differences we have which propels them to come up with racist and hurtful remarks against their fellow humans who are as innocent and blameless in this situation as they are.

Source: Facebook

Recently a Filipino nurse working in Australia received a racist letter in her mailbox which clearly tells her to go back to her country and take the virus too. 


The letter consisted of derogatory words including the F word used twice. Looks like someone was highly disrespectful of the nurse residing in their country along with her family. 

Source: Matrixnews for Dailymail Australia

Cat Dolendo, the Filipino nurse, took a picture of the racist remarks someone left in her mailbox and shared it on her social media handles. Now it’s widely circulating on social media with both sympathies for the nurse and detest for the culprit.


The absurd letter also included a word “Un-Australian” directed at the nurse which showed that the person writing it was a dyed-in-the-wool xenophobist and had little to no regard for other nationalities.

Source: Supplied

Cat has reached out to the local police and the guy who covertly hurled racist remarks at her could be found any moment. In a time where we should be revering healthcare workers as an asset for us, nobody ought to make them feel indignant and plagued.