Easy and Simple Way to Get Rid of All the Dirt in Your Mattress

It seems like a cumbersome job to clean our mattress.


You usually wash your bed sheets every week but never even consider cleaning the mattress. Though they don’t need to be cleaned often but once in 6 months is necessary.

You can’t flip it over every 6 months as most mattresses these days have a specified top and bottom half. But there is a perfect way to clean it without much effort. Follow these steps to sleep on a healthy mattress.


1. Clean Your Sheets

The first step involves something that you already do once a week or once in 2 weeks. If you want to clean your mattress, you must ensure that the sheets that cover your mattress are clean. Make a note of washing your duvet covers and blankets as well. An advice would be to wash them in hot water settings in your washing machine.


2. Vacuum the Mattress

Once you have removed the sheets, use your vacuum cleaner to get rid of any dust particle present on the surface. Ensure that you get into the crevices.


3. Check for Stains

Once you have vacuumed your entire mattress, the next step involves checking for any stains that might be present on the mattress. You could use an enzyme-based odor remover or an upholstery cleaner to clean any fluids.


4. Deodorize the Mattress

Use baking soda for this. Don’t be afraid to sprinkle it over the entire mattress and leave it for around 24 hours. Keep your pets away from this menace for the time being. If possible keep your mattress in the sunlight as it boosts the sanitizing power.


5. Vacuum Again

Once the baking soda has done its job, you’ll need to use your vacuum cleaner again to remove any remaining baking soda present. Use the upholstery attachment while doing this. It is recommended to get a cover for your mattress to prevent moisture from seeping into your mattress.


We hope that you would follow these steps and clean your mattress regularly.

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