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Husband Caught Wife Cheating After Spotting Her On Google Maps

People having extramarital affairs will often go to great heights to hide their infidelity, keeping secret phones, and making up excuses to get out of the house for an hour.


Izabela Habur/E+/Getty Images

However, there’s one thing many cheating wives and husbands might fail to think of when arranging their secret affairs: the all-seeing eye of the Google Maps Street View van.

Wikimedia commons

In Lima, Peru, one woman has been captured on Street View sitting on a bench with her lover’s head lying in her lap. Her face was blurred, but this didn’t stop her husband from recognizing her.

Google Maps/CEN

The Daily Express previously reported that the husband came across this scene back in 2013, and was able to recognize his wife from the clothes she was wearing.

Google Maps/CEN

The woman had been sitting with her lover by the city’s Puente de Los Suspiros de Barranco (Bridge of Sighs of the Ravine). She can be seen wearing a white shirt over a black top, with jeans and a pair of heeled boots.


The husband decided to confront her after seeing the image, and she admitted to having been unfaithful with the man on the bench.


Unfortunately, this confession ultimately led to divorce. The affair would have remained secret for a while if it hadn’t been for Google Street View, but we’ll never know for sure.


For this sorry tale of cheating shows, Google Street View can indeed reveal secrets.