Categories: Lifenews

‘Kidnap Gang’ Tried to Grab One-Year-Old Baby From Pram In Front Of Her Elder Sister

The gang tried to kidnap a one-year-old baby from a pram in front of her elder sister in TK Maxx.


This horrifying incident happened when a woman was shopping at TK Maxx with her siblings and a gang of three women, and one man started to follow her around the shop.

Source: DailyMail

To warn other parents about the kidnap gang, she shared her experience on social media, saying that one of the gang members tried to rip the one-year-old baby from the stroller.


She wrote that she couldn’t believe that those four people tried to grab her one-year-old baby sister. She stated that those people tried to rip her sister out of the carriage and also followed other children around the shop.

The post attracted hundreds of comments; one worried Facebook user commented under the post saying, the same thing happened to them a month ago, someone tried to take the child out from the back window of the car, and they were sitting in the car.


Another woman came forward and shared her horrific experience saying that she was in Aldi with her 17-week old baby when the group of people started acting weird around her, leaning into the stroller and staring at her baby, and observing her every move.

Source: Stokeon Trent LiveWS

She added that the group followed her around the store, but she left the store because they were making her uncomfortable.


She said that if her baby didn’t have the rain cover over him because of COVID precautions, they would have reached in and tried to take him out too. 

She further wrote that she purposefully stared at the woman to let her know that she saw what she was doing, but they didn’t back off at all, which freaked her out.

Source: Getty Images

A spokesman for Cheshire Police said they were aware of the online post, but the incident has not been reported. He encouraged people to come forward and report to the Cheshire Police if anyone has any information about the gang.


It is reported that there had been at least six kidnapping attempts in Worcester. A man in a silver car tried to kidnap women and girls on several occasions since September 10.

On Sunday, a 15-year-old girl reported to the police that a car full of men pulled up alongside her while she was walking to the shops she said that one man even tried to grab her.