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South Korea: 51 Patients Re-diagnosed With COVID-19 After Healing From It

51 patients got recuperated from Coronavirus in South Korea, and the medical giants in the country were delighted to see this ray of hope.



Even the recovered patients went home happily thinking they’re over and done with this menace, and that they can live their life like before. Little did they know that the virus will regenerate itself in their bodies and they will have to seek medical assistance once again.

Source: Getty Images

These 51 patients noticed the same symptoms within days after discharging from the hospital, and on reaching out, they got the bad news that they were once again infected with the dreadful coronavirus.


It has been postulated by scientists and experts in South Korea that the Coronavirus has the ability to conceal itself in human cells. It can dupe you into believing it’s gone while it’s there.

Source: BBC

The deadly pathogen can be camouflaged in the midst of cells, to be concise. The doctors and experts believe that the Coronavirus tends to hide its existence very easily. It can trick you into thinking it’s dead while it’s not even in close proximity to expire.


The doctors and experts at South Korean center for disease control were pretty confident that the deadly virus has the capability to regain its strength in one’s body, however, the British highbrows have a counter viewpoint of this case.

Source: Time

Professor Paul Hunter, University of Anglia, England, veils the curtain upon the possibility that those 51 patients did not recover from the virus in the first place. According to his views, conventional testing can fail us at times. If he is to be believed, the old-school testing system shows us false results 20 to 30 percent of the time.


However, these are all conjectures and no one’s really sure about whether the virus is able to revive or the conventional testing occasionally tends to produce an erroneous result.