Categories: FamilyLifenews

Mom Loses Entire Family To Coronavirus As Husband And Only Son Die Within Days

COVID-19 is a monster that has gulped down many lives and has taken away all the happiness from their families.


Recently a woman from Michigan state has been unfortunate to lose her entire family to this death-dealing virus.

All this woman had in her life was a husband and a son, and none of them could escape from the clutches of death. Both of them got infected with the life-threatening virus called COVID-19 and met their end after trying hard to defeat it.

Source: Facebook

It is indeed not easy to imagine losing your whole world in the blink of an eye. It kills you from within to lose your loved ones at the hands of anything as aching as coronavirus. No one would even want to see this adversity befalling them.


Sandy Brown is that one brave woman who lets her husband and son go under the daisies simultaneously. It is such a sorry state for all of us as humans that we can’t do anything to stop this madness eating into the raw spirit of life. We are so helpless in this time that we can only lend each sympathy and a shoulder to cry on.

Source: Facebook

Lee Brown and his son Freddie Lee brown both were hit with the deadly coronavirus and breathed their last breath in the intensive care unit. Sandy was by their side till they met their end. The father was the first one to depart from this world followed by his son lately.

Source: Facebook

Sandy used to sing lullabies to her son in the hospital which is the sweetest thing a mom could ever do to her dying son. She did not lose her hope in Freddie even when her husband left the world. She kept on expecting good for her son who was a 20-year-old lad.


Things, however, turned out to be pretty ugly. Sandy could not tip the scales in her direction and was eventually left alone to deal with this world. She is the only member of her family alive and unaffected.