Categories: Lifenews

Google Maps Spots ‘Mysterious’ Abandoned Plane In Middle Of Desert

Sharp-eyed internet users spotted a mysteriously abandoned jet, in the middle of the Libyan desert recently.


According to sources, the viewers explained how they observed the bizarre plane, all by itself, in the desert. And that left users of Reddit in the urge of investigating the baffling ordeal. After all, one question was on everybody’s mind- how did it even get there in the first place.

Source: ITV Hub

Meanwhile, the recently released and exclusive photographs showed the giant white aircraft, isolated, across the desert’s airstrip. In particular, many identified the location as Wadi Bu al Hashm, present in the North African nation.


Experts revealed how the sun’s brightness made it much easier to identify the mega stranded object which sat all alone.

On the other hand, detailed pictures from Google Earth revealed the insides of the giant abandoned aircraft. It featured plenty of hanging wires as well as numerous broken doors too. Also, the striking details showed how a lot of the damage was aimed towards the plane’s cockpit area.

Source: Reddit

Meanwhile, a closer look at the aircraft’s door hints at how they might have undergone an explosion, being completely blown away.


The unique findings paved way for a series of Sherlock Holmes-themed investigations by Reddit users. And according to them, they might have received a major breakthrough into uncovering the mystery.

Some users pointed at how the jet appears as if it crashed. However, the fact that most of it was still intact, revealed how the plane could be left behind, intentionally.

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Source: Daily Star

On the other hand, one other Internet warrior believes that he has the real answer to the Google Maps plane mystery.point 212 |


He revealed how the ‘plane was damaged beyond repair.point 51 | ’ And it was due to a landing incident, present in the middle of the desert’s airstrip.point 134 | In addition, he says that photographic evidence showed how the plane’s main undercarriage went through a huge collapse.point 242 |


This includes great damage towards its propeller tips.point 47 | 1

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Source: Daily Star

Since the very first evidence of the image appeared on October 6th, 2008, the accident most likely took place, before that date.point 270 |


Therefore, he linked it to an airplane crash involving Yasir Arafat, in 1992.point 65 | While he survived and was found alive 12 hours later, both of the pilots died.point 129 | The incident took place in the same location, due to a desert sandstorm.point 189 | 1