Categories: Health TipLifenews

President Trump Announces $2.2 Trillion Aid For Uninsured Citizens Of The USA

Despite a great infrastructure and all, there’s still a huge sea of people in America — employed and unemployed — that are deprived of basic health insurance.


Such people are likely to find themselves in rumpus because of the coronavirus outbreak.

Almost everyone in the world is prone to this deadly virus. Everyone is at risk of getting exposed to this life-threatening disease. You never know when it befalls you, or when it gets transmitted into your body via an acquaintance.

Source: AP

In such a dicey phase of time, everyone needs to have themselves insured because you never know when life throws you a curveball. Life is just so unpredictable — and for all of us equally.


President Trump has relieved his people of a colossal burden of paying for the treatment in case coronavirus hits them. Irrespective of his public persona, this gigantic step should be seen in a different light by each one of the American origins.


It is to be acknowledged that President Trump refused to recommence Obamacare. He seems to insinuate that this healthcare program is shut forever and is unlikely to reopen in his regime. Looks like Trump was diligent enough to not let his political opposition steal the credit for anything good. 

Source: Getting Images

The USA has recently witnessed ascending unemployment figures that brought turmoil in people’s lives. The country has never seen such a great deal of unemployment in its history of 243 years. After this, it was incumbent on the president of the States to come up with some sigh of relief. 

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Source: AP

President Trump annunciated, no American has to bear the expense either for testing or treatment.point 192 | These 2.point 199 | 2 trillion dollars are going to help lots of uninsured people fight for their lives, and for this reason, Trump’s significant step is laudable.point 325 |


The hospitals treating Coronavirus patients would get compensation from the government in place.point 84 | point 84 | 1

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