Categories: FamilyLifenews

A Senior Couple Suffering From Coronavirus Left The World Holding Hands

The deadly pandemic has wreaked havoc unto so many lives across the continents.


Every now and then, we are hearing of something which leaves us despondent and heartbroken.

It’s amazing to find out incidents that tend to restore our faith in humanity even in this utterly difficult time. In spite of all the trauma that sabotages our senses, we still get to stumble upon some wonderful instances reinvoking our belief in humanity and empathy.


Recently, an old aged couple left the world with all of us swooning over their strong connection and ability to embrace each other in difficult times. It was a million dollar moment when these two COVID-19 patients held each other’s hand firmly a couple of days before dying.

Source: Fox 5 Atlanta

The camera captured this more than precious moment at a long term care facility in Atlanta. In the photo, both of them could be seen in a dire condition. It shows how they comforted each other when they were on their deathbeds. 


The elderly couple drew their last breath subsequently — 3 days after one another, to be concise. Eddie Johnson Jr. and his sweetheart Blanche Johnson were fighting a gruesome battle against Coronavirus, and it’s heartbreaking to say that they lost.

Source: Fox 5 Atlanta

Eddie died on 5th of April while his wife died on 8th of April.

Their daughter, Jennifer McWhorter, shared some details of their illness with the media. She also imparted a beautiful picture of the rest-in-peace couple which had both of them cherishing each other.

Source: Fox 5 Atlanta

The Johnsons were gallant enough to give the virus a good fight. At least, they didn’t let it separate them. They lived together and died together too. They have instilled true values of marriage in all of us through their own example. Such couples are rarely seen in today’s world and hence they deserve to be felicitated.