Categories: Health Tipnews

Seven Staff Members Of A UK Primary School Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Seven members of the staff at the same primary school in the UK have tested positive for coronavirus.


Arboretum Primary School, the primary school in which seven the staff members tested positive, has shut down temporarily.

A Derby Diocesan Academy Trust spokesperson confirmed the school had shut down because “a number of staff having confirmed cases of COVID-19”.


“’Following one member of staff reporting symptoms, the school quickly identified any other members of staff, parents/carers and/or children who may have been in contact and instructed them to isolate for the Government’s recommended period of 14 days,” the spokesperson added.


“Since then, six members of staff have tested positive and four members of staff who were in contact have tested negative. There have been no reports of parents/carers or children displaying symptoms.”

The said staff members have shown only mild symptoms and are ordered to stay at home to recover.


It is believed that the school has remained open throughout the lockdown; they will now remain closed for a week for deep sanitation, and is set to reopen next week.

Source: Reuters

The news comes as thousands of students returned to school in the UK today, as restrictions has been eased for schools to allow reception, year one and year six pupils to go back to the classroom.


While two million students are expected to return to school, as many as half a million is believed to have not gone back to their lessons.

Source: Jeremy Selwyn

Some parents have chosen to keep their children at home for safety fears, while other students were turned away as head teachers “weren’t ready” for them.


At least 54 council members argued that it is not yet safe for the members of the teaching unions to return to schools amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Source: Reuters

The councils either left the decision to reopen their schools to the head teachers, or told schools not to reopen today at all.