Categories: Lifenews

Switzerland Votes In Favor Of ‘Burqa Ban’ Outlawing Face Coverings In Public Places

Swiss officials voted in favor of a new law that prohibits Muslim women from wearing burqas in public places.


The new law follows the footsteps of other European nations that issued a similar ban in recent times. This includes Belgium, Austria, as well as France.

Without a doubt, this news was in the works with years of discussion, as confirmed by local authorities. And now, the country’s referendum results were finally revealed on Sunday, March 7th, 2021. Moreover, expert analysts confirmed how the vote gained a very narrow margin of victory, 51% to be exact.

Source: Reuters

Under the following proposal, people from Switzerland are no longer allowed to cover their faces completely, while they are out in the public. Be it during recreational facilities like shopping or visiting the countryside too, the face veil ban applies to all, mentioned officials.


However, the state did talk about how they might be introducing some exceptions to the rule, such as places of worship as well as ‘native customs,’ like carnivals.

Source: Financial Times

In the same way, there will be no ban on face coverings used for health as well as safety purposes. Hence, this will be exempt from the legislation, mentioned in the reports. Therefore, all citizens will be allowed to wear face masks that help protect the well-being of citizens from the deadly Coronavirus pandemic.


While the new legislation does not specifically mention the terms burqa or niqab in its literal sense, it is very clear that the new laws aim to target the Muslim population, especially the females who wear the veil as a part of their faith.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Meanwhile, the leading right-wing populist party of Switzerland also widely approved of this decision, showing great support for the ban in place.


A recent image of the same party’s campaign poster showed an image of an angry woman donning a niqab, alongside the words, ‘Stop Islamic Radicalism.’