Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

This Logic Puzzle Is Confusing Viewers! Can You Figure It Out?

If you think you’re great with your observation skills or solving brain-teasing puzzles in general, then you’ve certainly come to the right place.


For those dedicated readers with brilliant visual skills, we’re calling you forward to rise up to this viral puzzle challenge and give it your best shot! Believe it or not, 99 percent of viewers failed to give us the right answer but the real question is, can you?


Weekends or weekdays, our daily dose of fun and excitement manages to light up so many smiles. And that’s why we’re sticking to our promise of bringing forward all the viral challenges from around the globe that are surely worth a share. So, can you answer this question without looking at the answer?

Source: Photography Blogger

In case you answered yes, take a good reader further. We can’t wait to hear your responses and the logical explanation behind them! Good luck!


The Puzzle

This water flow-themed observational brain teaser has so many people in awe. And that’s because you need to think twice before selecting your final answer which simply asked viewers which tank will actually end up filling first.


You can easily view the answer to this logical puzzle by scrolling down below. However, we sure hope you’ve given your best shot before taking a peek because only 1 in 10 people actually managed to get the answer right with their explanation.

Source: Shake The Brain

The Solution

Have you selected your final answer? Are you ready for the solution? Alright, so the brain teaser asked viewers to figure out which of the following water tanks would actually end up filling first. And the correct answer is vessel number 8. But why?


Alright, look at numbers 3 and 6, their exits have been blocked. The 7th one is leaking and that means it won’t let number 2 or 1 be filled but it will still manage to fill out tank number 8!