Categories: Lifenews

Trump Says “Migrants Will Be Flowing In By The MILLIONS All Because Of Biden”

Former US President Donald Trump is blaming President Joe Biden for the escalating migrant crisis taking place as of now.


According to Trump, there will soon be millions of migrants flowing into the southern US border with Mexico. Moreover, he went on to claim how the situation has gone from bad to worst under Biden’s rule, adding how his poor decision-making and inappropriate policies have led the US to this day.

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Source: New York Post

Trump also explained how President Joe Biden should consider continuing the wall that he once began, instead of halting the process as a whole.point 238 |


The former US president also spoke about how Biden’s decision of terminating her ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy was another reason to blame.point 132 | By this rule, Trump had forced thousands of migrants to wait in their country of Mexico as they awaited the US asylum decisions.point 238 | 1


“Two months ago, we all had it under so much control,” explained Trump. But now, he feels that the escalation is just too much for the nation to bear and will soon lead to an inevitable disaster.

Source: New York Post

All of these statements from the former president came through an exclusive interview via his podcast with Lisa Boothe. “These people simply came along and just ended everything. And now, they are going to enter into the nation in millions.”


Trump believes that nobody has ever seen such a situation because there simply has been nothing worse. “As bad as it is now, it’s still considered to be good compared to what we will see in a few months.”

Source: BBC

Experts have already issued a warning to Biden’s administration regarding how migrant facilities are now 7 times their capacity limits. Moreover, they added how so many kids remain unaccompanied and hence have nowhere to go.


According to Donald Trump, his ‘Stay in Mexico’ policy was working for everybody, forcing so many Mexicans to stay away from the US nation and avoiding their forceful entry via the southern border too.