Categories: Lifenews

President Donald Trump And First Lady Melania Trump Test Positive For COVID-19

The President of the United States and the first lady, Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19.


Moreover, the breaking news is going viral as the President released a Tweet, early Friday morning.

The earth-shattering information, comes just weeks, from the Election day.

Source: The Wire

President Trump and First Lady were all set to kick start their quarantine process. And that’s because news broke out about how his top aide, Hope Hicks, recently tested positive for the Coronavirus. Above all, she was recently traveling with the president too.


Recently, the President’s schedule became public, after his interview on Fox News. He won’t be attending the fundraiser at a Washington hotel. Similarly, he won’t be able to make it for a Florida based rally too.

Source: Global Times

A public statement released by the President explained the entire situation. Here, he expressed how Hope Hicks is working extremely hard and now she has tested positive. Moreover, he described the situation as ‘terrible.’


Little did he know that he would be testing positive too. President Trump recently announced how he and first lady, Melania Trump, are awaiting their test results. And in the meantime, they will begin their quarantine process. All of the news came via a Tweet on Thursday.

Source: WMUR

Recertnly, Trump traveled with Hope Hicks on several occasions. Most importantly, this includes the ever so famous Cleveland debate. She boarded Marine One, alongside several other close aide officials. However, they all refused to wear masks on the flight.


And that’s what has everyone confused. Why would such senior officials disregard all of this in the first place? Above all, the world is baffled at how things are playing out. Recently, Trump’s administration confirmed how they disregarded science. This included a disregard for important public health practices.

Source: Swarajya

Recent reports confirmed how the President and his First lady are doing good. However, they will not engage in any public engagements.