Categories: Lifenews

Woman Refuses To Shave Her Mustache & Unibrow Claiming It Adds Confidence

A woman is going viral after claiming her mustache and unibrow give her confidence and hence she refuses to shave them.


According to media reports, she has learned to love and embrace herself, just the way that she is. And while many people do judge her for it, she doesn’t mind. Instead, she plans on growing it out further as it gives her the confidence and power she needs to rule the world.


While it’s no surprise that her facial hair gets noticed and called out by men, she still doesn’t mind. Moreover, she adds how many people, especially the male sex, love looking at her as if she has grown a third head.

Source: All Famous

In addition, she claims that growing out facial hair is just another way to assist her in weeding out any potential love interests that she might possess.


Identified as Eldina Jaganjac, she grew up in a very small and conservative city. According to her, anyone and everyone who looked unique or different always stood out and above all others. Keeping that notion in mind, Eldina says she tried her best not to let the ever-changing standards of beauty get to her head. Admitting how it was super frustrating at first, Eldina mentioned how she is totally calm, cool, and collective about her appearance as it doesn’t bother her.

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Source: Extra

The fact that women spend so much time and money, as well as efforts on maintaining their beauty, is just beyond her sometimes.point 217 |


“I don’t like how women are expected to remove their hair and men aren’t,” she explains.point 97 | Therefore, in March 2020, the tutor opted to celebrate her true natural self and embrace all the hair that she has been blessed with.point 207 | 1

Source: Pinterest

Hence, she has put down her eyebrow tweezers and has let all of the fuzz presents on her upper lip and eyebrows grow forever. How’s that for some daring beauty standards? Would you be as bold and confident to do the same? Do let us know in the comments section.