A Glass Of Wine Before Bed Can Help You Shed KGs – Suggests A Study 

For the majority of people, a glass of wine is a must at dinner.


But there are few who enjoys wine at ungodly hours.

Well, what if I tell you that drinking wine before you go to bed can help you lose weight!

A study has found out that drinking a glass of wine at bedtime might help you shed those extra pounds.

The Washington State University study conducted in 2015 claims this may happen because of a thing called ‘resveratrol.’

Source: Flickr/Ko Lwan

For starters, resveratrol is a substance that is known for converting white fat cells into beige fat cells. And guess what, they are found in abundance in red wine!


Beige fat is easier to burn off than white fat

During the study, the mice who were given resveratrol remained slim than those who didn’t, although having the same fattening diet.

Source: Flickr/Yamini von Gotham

The study found out that the mice who were fed a high-fat diet coupled with resveratrol gained 40% less weight.


Another study conducted in 2012 states that a glass of wine at bedtime could prevent you from having those late-night snacks. It can play a crucial role in your weight loss expedition.

Source: Flickr/Darth Vader

However, this study involved bees and not humans. So you might want to think, research a bit before gulping down the good stuff.


There are experts who say that drinking wine before bedtime can disrupt your sleeping patterns. That is, at first, you might feel sleepy and possibly you will fall asleep easily but you will end up waking up in the middle of the night for no reason. This is because alcohol has a disruptive effect on REM sleep cycle, said Timothy Roehrs, director of research at the Sleep Disorders and Research Center of Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital.

Source: cuphalffull1

But she says it may be okay if you stick to one glass because your sleep will only get disturbed if the alcohol level in your blood is above 0.04.


Health experts say that if the idea of drinking wine doesn’t intrigue you, you can try raw strawberries, grapes, and blueberries as they all contain resveratrol.

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