It can be really devastating to see one of your close ones dying in front of you while you stand helpless.
It can be a tragedy you’re unlikely to forget for the rest of your life. Not being able to save someone’s life while they’re dying can truly rip you apart.
Something of a similar nature happened to a poor husband in Essex who could do nothing to save his wife’s neck from the deadly disease of coronavirus. His wife happened to be a NHS worker who had contracted the virus from one of the patients she had been looking after.
Of course, this ill-fated lady had no option but to stick to the oath she took the moment she joined the healthcare force.
Laura Tenner died at the age of 51 and she had served the NHS for a fairly long time. It’s strange that this entire family had undergone the symptoms of COVID-19, good for the father-son duo that they recovered from their symptoms within a handful of days.

However, Laura’s condition kept on getting worse and one day, she felt she’s falling short of breath and that’s when her husband had to call the ambulance to rush her to the hospital. They waited a good while for the paramedics to arrive but they were left disappointed.
Laura drew her last breath in her husband’s arms, and that helplessness must have left Kevin heartbroken. It’s not easy to be in a state of absolute impotence. When she was drawing to a close, she was finding it hard to breathe, she was suffocating.
Other than Laura Tenner, over 100 healthcare staff members in the UK have died out of coronavirus. These people have lost their lives in the line of duty and that’s what they deserve all the accolades for. We must not forget to pay homage to these valourous soldiers who risked their own lives to rescue others’.